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AN EPISTLE TO MY BELOVED ZAARITES: What to do now that development has come to stay.

By Pst. Isaac Istifanus 

It has pleased God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has shed His own blood for the redemption of the whole world including the Zaar Nation more than any blood of our loved ones that died for our blessed Land (may their souls rest in perfect peace) to bring to us great salvation, peace, love, success, greatness, blessings and prosperity. For His blood speaks better things than the blood of Abel and any other martyr in the land that cried out for vengeance. His blood will continue to speak on our behalf in Jesus name.

1. With the recent intervention of God in our own land we should remain vigilant and peaceful.

2. My fellow youths have just work hard to clear our local government Secretariat and the prestigious Airforce University of Technology as signs of greater things to come into our Land. 

3.We must as a matter of urgency never allow anybody within and without to create unnecessary selfish tension given a bad signal to peace and tolerance in the land.

4. Leadership has thought us lessons that can never be forgotten. That enemies within are worse than enemies without and therefore, our vigilant should be intensive within more than the outside because if the inside is safe then, the outside will be safe too.

5. Knowing fully that development comes with many people from different faith, beliefs, culture and traditions, we must deliberately return to our ancestral culture of hospitality and tolerance which will create a home for everyone that wants to invest, study and live in our Land. Therefore, America belongs to everybody and everybody can live in America.

6. Youths, women and everybody should start thinking about a business and services that will earn us money to avoid being jealous of outsiders that will soon come to invest so that we can not be like the lazy Xenophobic youths of South Africa. Zaar youths are not lazy and even Buhari knows that we are not lazy youths.

7. Let's cooperate with our elites, leaders, Chiefs and stakeholders in order to bring more development.

8. We must have respect for authorities, cooperate with the Federal, State and local government.

9. Live in peace with everybody.

10. Above all serve God.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit abide us all.

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