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Photos: First Zaar Modern Traditional Wedding surfaced on media.

First Zaar Modern Traditional wedding
A Zaar man resident of Kaduna state has tied the knot with his bride in the traditional way of the Zaar(Sayawa) culture. A ceremony which is long off the scene, effect to the adoption of the Christianity by the majority of the Zaar people.

The beautiful photos of the ceremony surface on media on Saturday 15th ofAug. with the couple fully dressed in modern Zaar attires together with Family, Friends and well wishers.

The groom Mr. John Yakubu disclosed to ZaarGossip Media that the Bride and himself are both "OK" with the traditional rites and there will be no further proceedings.

The traditional wedding between Mr. John Yakubu and Miss Agnes Francis is regarded as first of its kind in recent(modern) times and will serve as a motivation to a lot of culture loving Zaar couples intending for marriage.
Bride's traditional marriage rites

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