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I LOVE MY CULTURE. By Comr. Lura Shekara.

zaar gossip
lura shekara

The world is growing fast politically and socially in terms of fashion and arts, and this trend is coming with a lot of force that its gradually wiping out a lot of  traditional costumes. As a student, a comrade and agent of social revolution I have done a lot in my capacity to promote our costumes  in modern swags in the vast social mass media world and I have seen a lot of people doing the same and even more in that capacity. So I want to
encourage  the entire Zaar community in all aspects of creativity to put more effort in Zaar fashion designs that will match the fashion pattern of the nowadays youths. An that in turn will put more passion for Zaar in the minds of our youths for the betterment of our future. I remain my humble self Comr. Lura Shekara and what I do is Lura da Jama’a.

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