By Zakka, Hussaini Daniel.
Most relationships are in shambles today not really that the parties involved are ignorant of the nitty-gritties to keep it working. But that they give less attention to some essentials they ought to watch so as to make it move. This discourse exposes some six things every lady ought to avoid to maintain a smooth relationship. These are:
1. Generalization: It is absolutely uncalled-for to blame someone for the wrong of another. Most ladies blame their men/guys for the offence of their previous men/ past relationships. They generalized and often say: "All Men are the same" which apparently does not hold water and most men dislike. A man expects and needed to be addressed for what he does.
2. Comparison: Most men do not want to be compared to others. He is unique, therefore, desires to be treated as such. However, most ladies tend to compare their men to other men; a times to even their previous relationships. This makes him feels discouraged. Hence, ladies ought to avoid.
3. Arrogance: If not all, most men want to occupy their places as men no matter how weak they appear to be. A lady who is pompous therefore, will appear to be a counterfeit; thus, will be treated as such. He might pretend and keep her. To her she is good. She is actually good, but good for a girl friend material. Such ladies are known with: Domineery, selfishness, self-worthiness as well as close-mindedness among others. If your relationship must be smooth, you must avoid arrogance.
4. Demanding (Neediness): Men dislike too many demands from their ladies; especially, when the relationship is very tender. He knows you need it. So, allow him to give you. When you're the type that demands a lot, he assumes you are actually very good, but a girl friend material rather than a wife material.
5. Unindustrious and lack of ambition: Gone are those days when only ladies are known as "gold diggers". Today, men dig gold more. Everyone needs assistance. No one would want to marry a liability. Therefore, men dislike ladies who do not have ambition nor any handwork/craft. No matter how little it appears, it will serve a good purpose. Learn it. Otherwise, you will appear to be good, but a girl friend material.
6. Secretive: Research has proven that ladies tend to be more secretive than their men counterparts. They locked-up most a times. Men are not mind readers. If you must maintain a smooth relationship, learn to communicate. It is key! If your man offends you, always open-up. Don't assumed he knows so keep hurting yourself. It won't help matters.
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